Sunday, May 3, 2009

What about Frank?

As I was cleaning up the debris from cutting down an apricot tree and four cedar bushes, my mind wandered, as it is apt to do, to LOST. Today, I guess, was Frank's day because I started wondering why Widmore had hired him to be on that freighter.

Way back at the beginning of Season 4 we see Frank in Eleuthera, Bahamas. He calls the 1-800 number to report that the pictures of Oceanic 815 on the ocean floor are fake. Who is he? He's was supposed to captain that flight. How does he know the pictures are fake? His best friend, Seth Norris, took his place and the picture, however decomposed goodness our man Frank sees, is NOT Seth! How do you know? 'Cause Seth married his high school sweetie pie and loves her to death, so he NEVER takes off his wedding ring. The pilot in the photo, he doesn't have a wedding ring. Frank had enough irrefutable proof that the plane on the bottom of the Sunda Trench could be fake.

Okay, so that's my rapid fast report on history. Let's get to now, shall we?

Frank was recruited, we are assuming, by Matthew Abaddon, as a helicopter pilot to shuttle the scientists to and from the island. I think it was because of his phone call to that 1-800 number that Widmore learned of Frank's existence. Widmore knew that if he didn't do something about Frank, the man was going to get sober, find mainland USA and start talking to some people who would be interested in a conspiracy theory. Like Seth's wife maybe? He's a loose end, an unexpected snag, so to speak that could cause a whole mess of trouble, despite being one heck of a helicopter pilot. What to do. What to do.

I'm not sure why Charles Widmore didn't just have him killed, or begin some sort of Ben-like campaign to discredit him. It probably would have been an easy task given Frank's propensity for the drink. But he didn't. He had Abaddon recruit him to the freighter, thus removing him from the general population and the possibility that he may talk to, oh I don't know, the FAA?

This makes sense to me. Maybe not to anyone else. But that's okay. I think, if we ever get a Frank flashback, I may be proven right. I don't have a clue what would have happened to Frank if the Kahana mercenaries had been successful in their mission. The thought that Keamy would probably kill everyone, including the Freighter Four, to "PURGE" the island of undesirables sends shivers down my spine. Personally, I think Keamy's orders were as such, but, as we know, he failed.
One thing that I have been wondering though, if the Island didn't want certain people to be there, why would it allow them to arrive on it's shores in the first place?
No, really. I can't seem to come up with a reasonable answer to this one. Wouldn't it just allow those it didn't want there to die?
Anyway, I have much yard work to do, so I'm sure my mind will be wandering yet again. I promise to concentrate when operating the lawn mower or any heavy duty lawn equipment though.

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