Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm Wondering......

Today I had an odd thought and, after mulling it over and over and over, wondered if anyone else had the same idea.

As with all great algebraic calculations there are constants and variables. We all know the constant never changes and, therefore, it is always there. The variable, however, is an unknown and if we choose to use the incorrect option the solution will unfortunately be catastrophic. I know this for fact because until the one of the smartest men I ever knew explained this to me, I was failing algebra.

I believe that Eloise Hawking may have made a gargantuan miscalculation and Jack, Hurley, Kate and Sayid were never supposed to land in 1977. Indeed, they were never supposed to be on Ajira 316 at all. And, after all that has happened, the effects of their presence in 1977 Dharma will resonate into the future like ripples on the water after a stone is tossed in.

Sayid shooting young Ben. Jack's refusal to help Juliet save young Ben's life. Kate donating blood. Hurley's garlic mayo. None of it should have ever happened.

I'm not an astrophysicist and can't really wrap my accountant brain around too much of this, but I'm willing to bet Eloise Hawking's assertion that "The universe has a way of course correcting" is the direct result of her manipulating others in order to fix her mistake!

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