Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Namaste - The Recap

I can say categorically that I totally enjoyed watching Namaste, despite having to wait until thursday morning and watching it online at CTV.CA. I was visiting with family in Medicine Hat, Alberta and, shockingly, they do not watch LOST. So, when visiting, one must sacrifice.

Many have called Namaste a "transition" episode. It doesn't really answer any questions, nor does it pose new ones, but it moves the characters along in the plotline to a point where they need to be in order for the next episode to increase the pace once again. I like these episodes and the writers seem to have an uncanny ability to place them just so that the audience can catch their breath, grasp a few tidbits, and then we're off and flashing (or running) again at full speed.
Am I the only one who thought it was way too cool that we got to experience the Ajira crash ans watch as Frank ever-so-calmly put that tin can down on the make shift runway? As soon as I heard "Is that a runway?" I just knew that they were not in 1977 and that Ben, despite his evilness, had had previous knowledge that it would be needed. He had better thank Sawyer and Kate for the not so smooth landing.

Also, if an actor is offered a job as a co-pilot on LOST, know now that you should wear a red shirt under the pilot's uniform. Death upon impact is certain. And how lucky that our favorite pilot was relatively unscathed once the aircraft stopped its impersonation of Old Smokey by knocking down trees near the beach?

Sun is a changed woman and I burst out laughing when she whacked Ben on the back of the head with the oar. Then, she used one of Ben's catch phrases, "I lied." The lady is learning from a master, it would appear. I just hope Jin likes the new Sun. Creepy moment when Sun and Frank entered "Otherville" and encountered Christian. I'm positive that was our friendly black smoke monster peeking in the door as Christian was telling Sun and Frank when Jin was.

Now to 1977. I have a general idea of how that flash occurred which brought Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid to thirty years earlier. Jack had asked Sawyer if Faraday was there and the reply was, "Not anymore." This got me wondering where, when and what had happened to my beloved tie dependent dude. What if he had something to do with bringing the Ajira Losties into the past? I haven't worked it all out yet, but it's only common sense to me that Daniel had a hand, foot, tie and back pack in it. I could be wrong, too. We'll have to wait and see.

Sawyer is adept at being the boss. I always knew he was a thinker as opposed one who reacts to a situation, like Jack did in the past, or present, er future....whenever. It was Sawyer's ability to think fast that has kept his group alive since landing in the middle of the Dharma and Hostile dispute. Sawyer may not be my favorite character, but he deserves kudos for stepping up and taking responsibility, not just for himself and his people, but for the safety of Dharma as well. And he will take the responsibility for Jack, Kate, Hurley and ultimately Sayid as well. I enjoyed his little dig at Jack by making him a Workman as based on his aptitude tests, if only for a moment.

Something tells me that Horace will not be pleased that he has been deceived and we are soon going to learn about either the incident or events that may lead up to it. Could it be a Lostie that causes it? At the Swan, maybe? I am thinking so.

So, the Losties are now Dharma recruits and trying to fit in until .... What exactly are they awaiting? Locke's return? Are they waiting for Ben to grow up and "purge" them all? Or is their presence in 1977 going to alter things so that it never occurs? Remembering that Faraday muttered "What happened, happened," I'm thinking that nothing the Losties do will change the future.

A Few things....

  • Sterling Beaumon has more talent in his little finger than most seasoned actors do. He gave me tingles up my spine as he spoke to Sayid!
  • Horace's hair is too long and in serious need of moisturizer. Also, he needs to clean himself up a bit. The competition for mates is limited on the island, but at least make an effort.
  • I loved the look on Juliet's face when Amy told her she was holding Ethan as a baby! I could see her thinking, eeeewwww.
  • If Ethan was born in 1997, and died in 2004 (when Charlie killed him) he would have been 27 years old. I'm not sure, but isn't that a bit young to be an experienced surgeon? Can someone let me know how long it takes to become a doctor and then a surgeon?
  • Why didn't someone remove Sayid's handcuffs once he was inside the cell? He must be horribly uncomfortable. It looked to me that he seemed a bit disappointed about the lack of mustard on his sandwich. I can't recall, did Ben introduce himself?
  • I think the unflashed Ajira passengers, and plane, landed on the island well after 2007, like perhaps in 2009? My theory is probably wrong, but the dilapidated state of the barracks, the Hydra and the dock lead me to lean this way.

So, that's it for my Namaste recap. I could be right about a few things or I could be blowing it out my ear, for all I know. Disagree or agree? Please feel free to comment. Just keep it clean for the family to see. Next up is "He's Our You"

It's getting more and more interesting.


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