Sunday, May 30, 2010



The box Christian Shephard's coffin was transported in has stickers displaying the following airport codes: BWN (Brunei International Airport), GUM (A.B. Won Pat International Airport, Guam), HKG (Hong Kong International Airport, China), and LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) among others.

The stained glass window shows symbols of several faiths: the star and crescent of Islam, the Star of David (Judaism), the Aum (widely used as a symbol of Hinduism, but also present in Buddhism and Jainism), the Christian cross, the Dharmackra (Buddhism) and the Yin/Yang disk (Taoism). Oh look! I just KNEW Dharma would make an appearance!

There are four members of the Shephard family in the church. Christian, Jack, Claire and Aaron.

As Hurley is pulling into Charlie's motel with Sayid, a man is walking his dog cross the driveway in front of them. The dog is Jack Bender's adopted dog Lulu, who has appeared in 6 episodes and on the painting inside “Jacob’s Cabin”.

Penny, Juliet, and Desmond are the only characters in the church who were not on board Oceanic 815 and Desmond was not on the flight but was involved with the circumstances leading to the crash. Aaron was technically on Oceanic Flight 815, since Claire was pregnant with him.

Every character in the church has been on the show since the first or second season, except for Juliet who was introduced at the very beginning of the third.

Richard leaves the Island after living there for most of the past 140 years since his original marooning on the Black Rock. He had previously made various trips off-Island, such as recruiting Juliet. At least he won’t have culture shock when he lands!

Sawyer and Claire leave the Island for the first time, 3 years and a few months after arriving on Oceanic 815. They are the only characters to arrive on the Island for the first time in the very first episode, and to leave it for the first time in the very last episode.

The great glowing cavern has lost much of it's brightness (assuming the cause is MIB's growing strength - or the glow sticks were running out of batteries?)

Miles leaves the Island for the first time, 3 years after arriving from the freighter.

Kate leaves the Island for the second time, 14 days (or 30 years, starting in 1977) after time flashing off of Ajira 316. She is the only original cast member to leave the Island, return to civilization, come back to the Island, and leave again.

Frank leaves the Island for the second time, 14 days after crash landing Ajira 316. . He is notable in having piloted his own escape both times. The next time I fly, I think I’ll ask the name of the pilot BEFORE getting on the plane, just to be sure.

When Juliet tells Sawyer the secret to get the candy bar out of the vending machine, she says you can unplug it and plug it back in again and that it's technically legal. This is what Desmond and Jack do with the Heart of the Island.

As Kate empties her gun into Smocke, he jokingly advises her to save her bullets. Later on, Kate uses the remaining bullet in the decisive moment of the fight. Also, this is the same gun that Ben was loading at the well in the beginning of the episode.

Smocke takes the form of John Locke, a man who fell eight stories and broke his back, to manipulate the other characters. He dies after being kicked off a cliff and landing on his back, presumably breaking it.

Before Jack's death, Vincent arrives so he doesn't "die alone."

Jack has a tear in his eye just before he closes it for the last time.

Jack is stabbed where his appendix was taken out by Juliet, preventing more serious damage. This mirrors Locke losing his kidney and it saving his life when Ben shoots him and leaves him in the Dharma Dheath Pit.

Jack kicks the Man in Black down the cliffs reminiscent of the way the Man in Black kicked Jacob into the fire.

As Christian walks toward the doors on the church, you can see his brand new white sneakers!

Still working on QUOTABLE QUOTES and hope to have them up soon.

I seem to like many of Hugo's and Frank's lines, but I'd like to have a good balance.

Also working on a top 15 Best of list (or 42) here and there.

What list should I start with?

Top Moments That Made Me Cry?

Best Sawyer Nicknames?

Let me know what kinds of lists you want by leaving a comment.

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