Saturday, August 1, 2009

Next Up....Tabula Rasa

I've been slowly trying to get back into my daily routine, but it has been difficult. I apologize for my slovenliness, but we are experiencing a heat wave of critical proportions and I have been spending much of my time in the pool in a feeble effort to keep cool. My eyes have been on the surrounding mountains as I nervously keep watch for wildfires as well. The mountains are brown, the trees are tinder dry and the forest floor is littered with fallen debris. We have a catastrophe waiting to happen. Our forest fire rating is at critical and the entire province is under a total campfire ban.

So, I am sorry that I have been remiss in keeping to my re watch schedule, but I promise to park the DVDs in the player and begin anew.

And for our Star Trek fans: DVD of Star Trek will be available on November 17, 2009. I'm getting mine. And don't forget to visit my Vulcan page. It's almost completed and I have only a few more pictures to add to it. I promise, there's one that Spock fans will absolutely love!
Oceanic airlines logo courtesy of
Lost title page courtesy of Jo Garfein at

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