Thursday, May 20, 2010


WOW, how the heck did I manage to be right? Yesterday’s post on my blog I predicted that Widmore would die. I was wrong about WHO kills him, but the end result is the same, right? Right? And Richard? Is he really gone? Will we get to see anymore manscara man? I have a few thoughts about that but I’ll get to that later, so let’s get to it.

Again, no recap. I’ll leave that to Doc Jensen and others. They’re much better at it than I am anyway.

Jack keeps noticing an injury that refuses to heal, and I’m thinking that it’s a connection to Island World, and possibly a remnant of battle with Smocke. Eventually Jack will figure it out. Most likely while attending the concert, where incidentally, it would seem everyone else is going to be at the same time. Yep, maybe we’ll learn that Juliet is David’s mother, she’ll accidentally spill coffee on James (she DID mention sharing a coffee just before she bought the biscuit in the doubly imploded Swan Station) and they’ll fall madly in love (or hate).

By the way, I believe the concert is a benefit for the museum and will feature Drive Shaft, Daniel Widmore/Faraday. Maybe we’ll see Dogen and his genius spawn there as well? Who knows at this point?

So, Desmond pretends to be an Oceanic Rep and tells Jack that they have found his father’s coffin. I think this is an effort to get him to “let it go”, to finally relax his agony over the loss of his father and thus opening his mind to the recollections of his “island” self.

Desmond beats the bejeebees out of Ben when he’s stopped from running down Locke again, which triggers BEN’S memories. I wonder if he thought he would fall into the harbour once again when Desmond threw him to the ground. And while we’re on the subject of Ben’s beat down, why is it no one came to his rescue? Did his students dislike him so much that they were secretly cheering on the Squirrely Scotsman? Ben later tells John that Desmond claimed to be HELPING him, and then tosses a weird “I believe him” into the conversation, which gets Locke thinking about fate, destiny and “what if everything is happening for a reason?” He visits Jack at the hospital, admits to tossing his business card (shame on him because now that LOST is ending, that’s going to be a collector’s item), asks the fate question and, while Jack so desperately wants to fix him, is told not to mistake coincidence for fate.

I have to admit, I realized that Sayid and Kate were in the lock up when Desmond was tossed in after confessing his dirty deeds. I figured that he would be up to something, but I didn’t realize he’d bribed Ana Lucia (or Ana Lucifer as a friend calls her) to let them go. And only for $125,000 bucks? That’s kind of cheap when you consider that she’s tossing away her career and probably her freedom. I would have expected some thing like, oh, $108,000,00.00! But she’s not ready yet. I screamed “There’s Hurley’s car!” as the camera panned back, and then as the tell tale yellow Hummer arrived, I knew that Des had convinced Hugo to front the cash. The money man behind it all.

I think Desmond has charged Hugo and Sayid with the task of bringing Sun and Jin from the hospital to the concert? Or maybe Locke and Ben? I also think that Kate (did you see the look of disgust on her face when she held up that little black dress?) will be there to jar Jack’s memory even more. Remember, she’s already been in physical contact with him on the plane (she lifted his pen) and I think she will be the source of his memory.

Am I the only one who thinks Danielle is still slightly cuckoo? Am I the only one who thinks that Ben and Danielle will be in a romance, making Ben Alex’s step-father in BOTH time lines? I so giggled when Danielle insisted on Ben joining them for dinner even if they have to “kidnap” him. Ha! I am so twisted.

2007 – Island World

Smocke does NOT want lemonade and has taken to whittling his thumb rather than his stick. After spending so much time creating the stick, you’d think he’d carry it around! It could be a useful tool as things come together in the culmination of the island war. But we’re getting a head of ourselves.

Gee, Kate was brave while Jack stitched up her shoulder. I would have cried like the great big baby I am. Of course, I am a natural red head and it’s been genetically proven that we feel pain quicker and more deeply than others. Yeah, I would have wailed and sobbed and been pathetic. Gotta give Kate kudos for being so brave. Maybe Smocke could steal Zach’s teddy bear and give it to her as a security item. I have a feeling that she’s going to need something besides counting to five. It could help her cope with the pain of knowing that little Ji Yeon is now an orphan as well.

Jack is thinking clearly and knows that Locke will soon find out that Desmond is still alive. They need to get to him first. Good thing Sayid told him where he stashed the happy Scotsman. Sawyer is feeling guilty about not believing Jack’s assertion that the bomb wouldn’t go off. Because of his actions, and a deep rooted “rebellion” against Jack, several members of their team are dead. Now, more than ever they will need to work together to avoid dying alone. Jack explains that Sawyer didn’t kill Jin, Sun, Frank and Sayid. Smocke did.

Before he ran off with the Smoke-made bomb, Sayid told Jack about Desmond and his special qualities. Oh, and he also spilled about how Smocke wanted him dead and that he didn’t do the dirty deed for him, instead stashing him somewhere safe. At least, I hope he’s safe. Maybe Sayid stashed him back at the imploded Swan. Maybe there’s a little nook undamaged by two implosions where Des has access to Apollo Bars and Ranch Dressing. So, Jack decides that they need Desmond and they set off to retrieve him.

Along the way, Hurley is accosted by a young version of Jacob (maybe he’s taken that form because it was a happy time for him, before he and his brother parted ways and started on their path of fundamental differences) who takes the bag of Jacob’s ashes and leads Hurley to the fire and Jacob.

I called this one as well. Okay, it didn’t exactly go down how I described it. I had predicted that Jacob would explain to the candidates (or what’s left of them) via Hurley’s “I-talk-to-dead-people” ability why they’re on the island, why they’re candidates and what they need to do. I did not expect Jacob to make himself clearly visible to Jack, James and Kate. Obviously neither did poor Hurley. Hey, does that mean his abilities are fading? If that happens he’ll be lonely. I think the ashes in the fire may have helped Jack, Kate and James to see Jacob (but I could be wrong)

Anyway, Jack steps up and volunteers for the job. No big surprise there.

I need to address a few thoughts here. Some of you have mentioned the fact that Smocke may have taken Jacob’s form and is once gain setting a trap for the LOSTIES. That’s not possible. Remember when some of the survivors were carrying Locke’s body to the survivor’s beach camp to bury him? Someone had asked her what’s to stop MIB from taking the form of anyone. Ilana explained that MIB was stuck with that form now and that he can’t appear as any other dead person now. Perhaps it has something to do with the amount of time he’s spent in that form, or maybe it has something to do with Jacob’s death. It doesn’t matter. The fact remains that since that point in time, we have not seen Smocke take on a different appearance other than as the Smoke Monster.

Also, someone mentioned that Jacob used water which was different than when “Mother” used wine. It’s not the beverage that provides the power, but the incantation. I still haven’t got a clue what was said (I’m assuming that was Latin) but did you see Jack’s eyes briefly widen after he sipped the water? He now knows the entire history of the island, MIB, Jacob, Richard, the others and why Ben’s eyes are so buggy. He may even know where Mikail’s cow is hiding for all I know. Do I think he has a plan? Yes. Do I think that this time his plan will work? Yes… long as he can convince James, Kate, Sawyer and anyone else who wants to defeat Smocke to play together in the sandbox.

Meanwhile, we finally got to see what Ben, Richard and Miles were up to. I felt so sad to see Dharmaville (maybe Jack can fix it up and re-name it Margaritaville and install a giant waterslide and rollercoaster) in such a sad state. Did you notice the plants in the rail planters on the gazebo? Oh! And the nice table in the middle of the yard? Why the surface looks undamaged! Inside Ben’s bungalow, behind the bookcase and in the not-so-secret room, Ben loads up Miles’ back pack with C4.

This is where Widmore comes in and I was sure that Ben and Widmore would realize that they’re working for the same cause. Man was I ever wrong. Miles grabs the C4 and heads for the jungle after the warning that Smocke has arrived. Me thinks Miles and his back pack full of explosive material will be a factor at point on Sunday. Smocke smacks Richard and sends him flying into the trees. I think we’re to assume that he’s now dead, the possibility being made a reality now that Jacob, is gone? Anyway, Smocke sits and chats with Ben on the porch.

Okay, I was not surprised that Ben told Smocke where Widmore was hiding. Ben is all about self preservation and feeding thos megalomanical tendancies of his. Smocke offered him the ultimate prize of being the care taker and big boss of the island once again. It’ll be awfully lonely with no one to boss around and the sub has sunk, so there’s no real way to bring any play mates to visit. Something tells me that Ben may not survive the transition.

Just when I think I have it all figured out, they go and change the rules. Speaking of rules, I think Jacob changed the rules when he gave Chuckie permission to return to the island. And Smocke threatening to kill Penny? How dare he? By the time Smocke is done there will be more orphans running around the world than we can keep track of. Widmore, for all his bravado and dedication to protecting the island, caved awfully darned fast and whispered (like a school girl) what Jacob had told him. Really? Whisper? That’s so that we don’t know what’s to come, but I think they could have addressed that a bit better. No use complaining now the writers have all moved on.

Were you as disappointed in Ben as I was when he shot Chuckie and claimed that he didn’t get to save his daughter? Did you laugh from your toes when Smocke told him that he already knew what Jacob wanted? Do you think that Ben will once again, in order to save his runs-like-a-girl butt, jump the fence and help whom ever is winning? And considering that Smocke offers the job of island custodian to Ben, then tells him that he’s going to destroy the island, I can see Ben changing his mind and going to the other side.

Yeah, me too.


Ben’s black eye can be seen in both time lines. Apparently this is because Henry Ian Cusick accidentally punched Michael Emerson for real while they were filming the scene at the school.

Mira Furlan is back and, despite something like a 38 episode absence, and in the side time, she still appears crazy. At least, she did to me.

In Season 2, Desmond turned the “failsafe” key in the Swan and now he’s being considered Jacob’s “failsafe”.

Ben’s left arm is in a sling after being beat up by Desmond, which mirrors 316 when Ben boards the plane.

Alex compared Ben to Napoleon Bonaparte. In Dr. Linus, he was teaching a lesson about Napoleon.

This is the second time Kate has been released from jail and given a dress to wear.


BEN: I lived in these houses a long time, Miles. I think I can remember how to get there.

MILES: Well, I lived in these house 30 years before you did; otherwise known as last week…and I have no idea where the hell we are.

BEN: Guess it’s a good thing, you’re following me.

BEN: What’s wrong?

MILES: It’s just--I--you know, I get wonky around dead stuff.

NURSE: This may sting a bit, Mr. Linus.

BEN: It’s Dr. Linus, actually.

MILES: These are both great plans, but I’m gonna go with surviving. . . If you need us, we’ll be running through the jungle.

BEN: After you. . . Charles and his lady friend are in here. . . She’s armed. But I’m guessing that’s not a problem for you.

SAWYER: Tell me something, Jacob. Why do I gotta be punished for your mistake? What made you think you could mess with my life? I was doin’ just fine til you dragged my ass to this damn rock.

JACOB: No, you weren’t. None of you were. I didn’t pluck any of you out of a happy existence. You were all flawed. I chose you because you were like me. You were all alone. You were all looking for something that you couldn’t find out there. I chose you because you needed this place as much as it needed you.

SAWYER: And I thought that guy had a God complex before.

KATE: James.

SAWYER: Yeah, I know.

HURLEY: I’m just glad it’s not me.

Screencaps provided by GetLostPodCast and Lost Media

Sunday is almost upon us, but before we get to that, don't forget to enjoy the enhanced Pilot Part 1 &2 on Saturday night. Make sure you have lots of tissue handy.

Me? I have a truck load of tissue, plenty of fudge, Coke Zero, rum, pop corn and Rolaids on hand. My HD TV is ready and waiting. My comfy chair has been cleaned and padded with fluffy pillows. The footstool sits nearby and the power cord to the laptop will be plugged in.

At 11pm, on May 23rd, the world will hear a collective wail of despair as it all officially ends.

Oh yeah, and the DVR is loaded and programmed to all of it. I have the feeling that I'll want to see this one over and over and over and over.

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